brand strategy

The Impact of Branding – Positive & Negative Impact

The Impact of Branding – Positive & Negative Impact

The impact branding is essential to any company.I have a positive reaction to the Country Time Lemonade brand. Country Time lemonade has been around since 1975, and I have been a long time consumer from childhood. My parents used to give us Country time lemonade as a treat after-school or on the weekend. It was such a simple yet happy part of growing up, and still brings those feelings to the surface when I enjoy a glass. I live over 1000 miles away from my closest family member, so having things around that remind me of home is always important. I always have a pitcher of Country time in my refrigerator. Because of these positive childhood memories, I don’t believe I have ever bought another brand of lemonade to have in my home.


Impact of Branding


Product: Country Time lemonade flavor drink mix was introduced in 1975 by General Foods. Over the years various the brand has expanding to other flavors, including pink, raspberry, and strawberry lemonade. In 1981A&W acquired a license to make the bottled and canned ready to drink product from then-owner General Foods. In 1989, General Foods merged with Kraft Foods. Price: The price of Country Time Lemonade varies based on package size. The classic mix product is sold in a variety of sizes starting with 19-oz. for around $5.37 on average to the larger 82-oz. size coming in just around $10.00. You can also purchase a pre-mixed canned version of Country Time Lemonade. A 24 pack of 12-oz. cans costs around $13.99. Place: Country Time Lemonade can be found nationwide from vending machines to retail stores. Country Time is available at your local grocery store (for me, Publix), in retail giants such as Target and Walmart, as well as the online retailer Amazon. Promotion: Country Time Lemonade is owned and operated by food giant Kraft, and has the power of the brand behind them. There are television commercials promoting the brand as a whole, family oriented brand well as coupons and specials in weekly retail circulars. Country Time also has their own website with information on all the available products and flavors so their impact of branding has been stellar.


A brand that I have a negative reaction to is Samsung. I have more than a handful of times had a bad experience with products made by Samsung as well as their customer service. Samsung has also recently been in the news for their defective cell phones catching on fire, which has obviously not improved my opinion of their products.
Product: Samsung is an electronics company who manufacturers everything from cell phones to televisions, audio equipment, computers, appliances and more. Over the past 10 years, Samsung has become a household name around the world. Until last year, the South Korean company seemed unstoppable, at one point even outselling mega-giant Apple Inc.’s flagship product the iPhone by almost 3 to 1. In 2014, a heart attack incapacitated the company’s long-time chairman Lee Kun-hee, causing what most of would argue to say was the beginning of the end. Price: Samsung uses various pricing strategies due to its presence in different markets. Samsung prices their smart phones high until a new model is released or a competitor releases a similar product, then drops the price.

impact of branding


For all other products in the Samsung line, products are competitively priced. Samsung has the reputation for being a good brand, but not good enough to outperform competitors such as Whirlpool washing machines or Cannon cameras, so they will price the products lower to gain an edge on their competitors. Place: Samsung is a worldwide brand that can be purchased through retail outlets such as Best Buy, Walmart and many more, as well as online through the Samsung website or Amazon, etc. Samsung mobile phones have shelf space with all the major cell phone service providers such as AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile. Promotion: The Samsung company promotes their products in a number of ways. There are tradition forms of advertising such as print and television, but what may be the most effective may be their promotion through trade partners (such as AT&T and other cell phone service providers) to push their product over the competition.

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